Robotic cyborg hand pressing a keyboard on a laptop 3D rendering
System integration is the bane of most IT shops. VestaPay largely circumvents this headwind by using our advanced robotics technology. VestaCare created its own robotic technology in 2006, and first applied it to interfacing with major Payor claims systems. The result is a technical prowess that when combined with our advanced robotic system enables VestaPay to interface with all EHR and supplemental systems. This also requires substantially less time (weeks vs months) and costs, a winning formula for IT teams and their hospitals.
Grandparents using smartphone and digital tablet at home, enjoying technology in free time. Man with disability looking at mobile phone screen and starting conversation with wife.
Technology is great! But it is made even better when human-like elements are also introduced at the same time to assist patients. Not all patients are facile with their mobile phones. Even though VestaPay’s mobile registration is very simple to use, we still anticipated that some patients may not be able to use their phone effectively to register. Because of that we introduced Chatbots to facilitate the patient’s mobile registration, essentially taking the patients by the hand and walking them through the complete registration process. The result is a much higher level of patient adoption, which is a key concern for any patient access professional. This is further complemented by our new Virtual Financial Desk enabling patients to have instantaneous live support with a human registrar that can assist them in completing the set up of their payments.
Close up of businessman hand holding trend chart growing up from 2019 to 2023 background, Business investment growth up concept.
Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) execs have multiple objectives. Financial results are a key concern for management, to whom RCM execs report to. RCM staff also have to address patient intake satisfaction goals and objectives within their hospital. VestaPay’s suite of patient payment management tools covers the whole patient engagement cycle, including end-to-end tracking of a patient’s progress, while securing the maximum possible financial liability owed by the patient. Patients really like the Dynamic Balance Adjustment Auto Pay Plan (DBA-APP) as it permits them to schedule payments that are affordable, consolidating all their bills under one DBA-APP. It also provides patients with complete visibility into their payment schedule. This is all set up at time of service before the hospital and patients know exactly what they owe. According to Tom Brekka, Chief Revenue Officer at VestaCare, Inc., “When you can secure 100% of the patients’ known and unknown liabilities at time of service. i.e., before they leave, that is when you achieve the breakthrough in securing the maximum patient liabilities.”
business man financial inspector and secretary making report, calculating or checking balance. Internal Revenue Service inspector checking document. Audit concept
VestaPay’s solution for securing 100% of the patient liability at or before time of service (not after) provides tools that enable hospital financial management to greatly increase revenues in areas that have historically struggled.
This is not hype. It has been proven in several hospitals with widely varying demographics and economic headwinds. Further still, for the first time hospitals are able to secure a significant portion of patient liabilities in the ED, again upon checkout, and not conflicting with EMTALA constraints. Most hospital EDs collect little to no patient payments. As a result, introducing VestaPay generates immediate and dramatic increases in revenues. A true game changer for your finance department.
It’s something that no one wants to think about, but unfortunately, it’s the world we live in today – hacks and data breaches happen, and hospitals and healthcare institutions are prime targets for cyber criminals. If you’re hospital falls victim to hackers, you need a solution that will enable you to recover quickly to maintain patient satisfaction and minimize revenue losses.
Enter VestaPay’s Hack Mitigation System for Patient Mobile Registration and Engagement Services. The benefits of this solution include, but are not limited to:
1. Provides fail-over hand-off of VestaPay functions for all hospital administrative staff to continue full registration of patients even with complete shut-down and loss of access to the hospital’s EHR.
2. Enables uninterrupted mobile patient registration so patients can continue to self-checkin through full registration, minimizing excess burdens placed on staff during hack events.
3. Your hospital is able to continue full registration and capture of patient data, ensuring no to minimal loss of key data needed for insurance claim filing and billing patients.
4. Ensures patients can continue to be enrolled in VestaPay’s Dynamic Balance Adjusting AutoPay plans, through which hospitals are able to secure 100% of the patients’ liabilities at time of service.
5. Your hospital will continue to receive daily payments from automated DBA accounts, maintaining key cash and revenue flows.
6. Once full access and security is restored to your hospital’s EHR, VestaPay’s Hack Mitigation System will restore and synchronize data captured by VestaPay to the hospital’s EHR, minimizing “hack” recovery efforts.
Covid, mask and tablet with a doctor and nurse in the hospital doing research online for diagnosis and treatment. Teamwork, collaboration and meeting with medical staff in a clinic for healthcare.
Aside from patients transported by ambulance, ED providers rarely have any foreknowledge of a patient’s condition before they arrive to the ED. With VestaPay’s Mobile-Enabled Pre-Arrival Triage solution for ED patients, your clinical staff will have a preliminary indication as to the the conditions that are bringing patients to your ED.
How does the VestaPay Pre-Arrival ED Triage Solution Work?
VestaPay provides a simple, chatbot-based function that will enable the patient to identify, at a high level, what conditions are occurring. While clearly the information indicated is likely to be rudimentary, it is still more information than is available today. This solution offers your hospital’s ED staff “the opportunity” to evolve the classifications of complaints to maximize usefulness.
In addition to providing a complete QA validation on the patient’s demographics and insurance information, the VestaPay Patient Benefit Qualification solution utilizes two tiers of value confirmation.
1. Insurance Carrier Benefits Verification: We perform a direct lookup through our Eligibility EDI Partner (TransUnion). If the data returned is insufficient or unavailable, VestaPay will utilize its robotics to perform an automated web lookup of the insurance carrier.
2. State Medicaid Benefits Verification: When patients are registering as self-pay, we also perform an eligibility verification of Medicaid benefits that may be available. In all cases where benefit data is identified, we will use our advanced robotics to automatically update this data to the patient’s profile. Having this data accurately identified then facilitates VestaPay’s generation of accurate estimates, which in turn facilitates securing 100% of the patient’s liability at time of service.
African american cardiologist checking examining senior patient heart, using stethoscope while patient is laying in hospital bed to set diagnosis for therapy, Breathing with help from test tube.
Historically, the Emergency Department (ED) has been the biggest revenue sinkhole for hospitals. However, the ED is also the area that can see the biggest gains in a short period of time. So, what must hospitals do to change the narrative and make their ED the financial envy of every other department?
Enter VestaPay’s ED Patient Financial Engagement solution. Combined with our MPE solution, this tool empowers your ED patients to take a more active role in the registration process and provides them with complete visibility into their financial obligations every step of the way. This leads to an improved hospital-patient relationship, greater patient satisfaction, and immediate revenue gains for your ED.
With the VestaPay ED Patient Financial Engagement solution, hospitals will be able to:
1. For the first time, begin their engagement with patients and perform preliminary triage actions prior to the patient’s arrival in the ED.
2. Engage with patients with mobile registration tools before, during, and after time of service.
3. Offer an advanced estimating solution, which is particularly non-intrusive on ED clinical staff.
4. Effectively navigate EMTALA while securing 100% of the patient financial responsibility.
5. Create happier patients and financially healthier ED’s.
There’s a crisis with staff shortages right now and most hospitals are having to do more with less. This problem has a serious impact on staff morale, patient engagement and satisfaction, and patient receivables. Where can hospitals turn to find immediate relief against staff shortages and fix this problem once and for all?
VestaPay’s Virtual Staff Collaboration (VSC) solution is the answer. Combined with our MPE solution, this tool will enable you to streamline staff operations and efficiency, leading to greater staff efficiency, happier patients, and improved revenues. Viewed through an innovative dashboard, our VSC solution provides:
Real-time visibility for staff into every patient engagement as it is occurring.
Enterprise-wide staffing optimization without having to hire more staff, saving your hospital money.
The ability for one registrar to serve many patients in many locations simultaneously, greatly improving productivity.
Real-time display of cash and revenue secured.
The ability to facilitate mobile patient registration through our intelligent ChatBot, a contactless means of capturing all patient information throughout the hospital.
Elder adult using video call to talk to doctor about treatment at home. Senior man talking to specialist about health care on remote teleconference for telehealth and telemedicine.
To achieve true financial success and optimal patient satisfaction levels, hospitals must improve patient engagement across the board by balancing the human element with lead-edge technology. In today’s digital-first world, that means supporting the ability for your patients to use their mobile devices to facilitate their medical care and take a more active role in the process.
With VestaPay’s Mobile Patient Engagement (MPE) solution, you patients will be able to receive appointment reminders, perform the complete registration process, acknowledge the total cost of their care, and manage 100% of the known and unknown patient liability at the point of service, straight from their medical device. The end result? Greater efficiency, reduced costs, greater hospital revenue, and happier patients.
The Benefits of VestaPay’s MPE Solution:
1. Patient empowerment, with your patients taking an active role in the entire registration process.
2. Enhanced staff optimization. Relieve registration responsibilities from staff so they can address other more pressing issues within the hospital.
3. Secure all information to allow for correct billing of insurance and reduce the amount of denials.
4. Secure 100% of the known and unknown patient liability at time of service, avoiding the potentially awkward discussion between staff and patient in addressing the patient responsibility.
5. Working with a world-class team that is laser-focused on helping your hospital enhance patient satisfaction and significantly improve financial performance.